
To increase your budget, go to the “İncrease Budget” subcategory in the “Balance” section at the top of the site. You can increase your balance in 3 ways:

a)Bank card

If you want to increase your balance with a bank card, you must choose the payment method as “Bank Card”. After entering your email, phone number, amount and card type, click the “Pay” button

To make a payment, the system will direct you to the payment page of the Bank of Baku. Enter the name and surname, 16 digits and expiration date of the card and click the confirm button

b) Cash

If you want to increase your budget in cash, you should choose the payment method as “Cash”. After entering your email, phone number and amount, click the “Pay” button. Please contact the administration to make the payment

c) Bank transfer

If you want to increase your budget by bank transfer, you should choose the payment method as “Bank transfer”. After entering your email, phone number and amount, click the “Pay” button.